Friday, 10 April 2009

Review: Peaches - I Feel Cream

The official release of the album is May 4th and this review is based solely on the leak of the album, which came to surface just a day ago.

Peaches is feeling cream, but I felt quite bored after listening to her new album a few times. Merrill Nisker is among my most favourite bitches in the music business and after the pussy-and-tits-galore she offered with "Impeach Mu Bush" I was ready for her to sexy me up and make a little whore out of my electronic soul. The electro slut of a whole generation either needs some fresh ideas or she is changing direction...and I am not very happy with her experiments.

"I Feel Cream" is definitely electronic, but has nothing to do with the electroclash scene to which she was like a Godmother. I guess this album is her official departure from the aggressive electronic sound, heading to a more mild beats, less distorted vocals and more original singing. The whole albums feels like Merrill has lost her wild temper and has become a member of a pacifistic sisterhood. Ok, ok, I am exaggerating a little, the lyrics explore mainly sex topics, but it just doesn't feel the same...

Looking on the bright side every singer needs a change, otherwise they will be too predictable, which is kind of annoying, but to be honest Madame Peaches needed no change or at least not a major one. Anyways, "I Feel Cream" has a few high points, although in comparison with previous releases they are like The Alps to the Himalayas. The album contains no club smashers as "Fuck The Pain Away" or "Tent In Your Pants", and from time to time you might feel like changing to the next track, but still needs you attention - especially if you are a real fan or at least support the electro scene.

Songs to hear: "Relax", "Talk To Me", "Mud" and "Billionaire"

Personal rating: 5 out of 10

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