Saturday, 18 April 2009

Norwegian wood is not the only good thing to come out of Norway

When it comes to music Norway has never been a hit-producer, but the music made in the country of the fjords carries its very own charm. Perhaps it has lots the race with Swedish production, which is no reason Norwegian music to be underestimated or just overlooked. I am pretty sure you will have certain difficulties of coming up with more than two Norwegian bands or performers, which may not be the case with Sweden...unless you are a true metal fan and listen to loads of Scandinavian groups. Norway is home to more guitar-based music and less electronic acts, which may be a flaw to some and a big plus to others. I am somewhere in the middle as I am just deepening my explorations in the realms of Norsk musikk.

Since the end of the 90s Norwegian music has become a vital member of the European (to some extent international) popular scene. First bands to come to prominence were mainly jazz and metal bands, which made it possible for electronic and pop artists to come to surface. Among the most popular names are Apoptygma Berzerk, Combichrist, Röyksopp, Burzum, Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir, Turbonegro, Kings of Convenience and many others. As you can see for yourselves some of the best known Norwegian bands are metal (death, black, symphonic, pagan) and no wonder as Scandinavia and Germany have given to the world an immense quantity of quality heavy music. However, the next few videos are some fine examples of what else is produced in Norway and whoever seeks finds.

I have omitted Röyksopp on purpose as most of you have heard quite enough about them from my blog.

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